The SAM APM is based on Coburn height adjustable skive controlled by a Weg variable speed drive to allow electronic breaking and speed control. The SAM spindle is lowered onto the skive by pneumatic control to a preset mechanical height.
Polishing pressure can be adjusted by adjusting the Coburn skive height. Polishing time is preset into the Beckhoff PLC. The polishing process can be paused for visual inspection and continued by the operator. The PLC provides additional error checking and interlocking during the polishing process.
The SAM ALM unit is provided as a self-contained Plug and play unit operating on a 380Vac(+-10%) 3 phase with Neutral and Earth supply. A 6 bar air supply is required for Pneumatic motion actuation.
The SAM ALM software is a Visual Basic based program that can be installed onto a standard Windows XP based (other systems not tested) operating system. SAM ALM is not required for polishing operation but is required to change system timers and is a handy tool for fault finding. The SAM ALM software requires the Beckhoff TwinCat CP system manager to be installed for successful communication.
The Automated polishing machine was specifically designed for the Element six sample laboratory. A PLC is integrated into the polishing control allowing remote access for programming and storage of the process variables. Automated shutdown allows polishing to be left overnight with safe shut down on completion.
The rotating floating head sample mounting jig allows for the even polishing of 3 diamond samples while spreading the polishing action over the whole polishing wheel surface for a smoother surface finish and longer wheel lifetime.